2012 Tour of Solar Homes
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Downloadable Tour Guide for 20162013 solar tour cover

Our downloadable tour guide featuring over 40 homes and is downloadable for FREE from this page. Fill in the form below to recieve your tour guide.

The PDF file is 36 pages at 5.9 MBs in size.

Download and enjoy the tour!

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Privacy Statement. The information obtained from the form is for INTERNAL SOLAR TOUR USE ONLY and is NOT distributed to third party vendors such as solar installers, equipmment manufacturers, solar or environmental associations or mailing lists of any kind. We ONLY use this information to see where people hear about the tour, the geographic area they are visiting from and to send visitors information about the next Annual Solar Tour Event. The Annual Solar Tour mailing announcement is mailed a few weeks before the tour. By offering this downloadable Tour Booklet for free the information you provide helps us improve the event. To be removed from the Solar Tour Mailing list send an email, with "Remove from solar list" in the subject line, to cgribben@solartour.org



